Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 17: Farms.

Spent most of the morning riding through amazing farm country; as in, farms in every direction further than the eye can see. And, all planted with mechanical precision on a mind-blowing scale.

I recall the little Iraqi farms we used to visit with our agriculture experts. How do you possibly go from those little 1-acre, flood-irrigated, low-yeild, primarily subsistence farms to an amazingly massive farm industry like exists here in Kansas? And, if you don't how can you possibly compete with food produced on such a massive scale, with mechanized convenience, supported by a sophisticated and efficient transportation system?

We have so perfected food production here, it is hard to imagine anyone competing, even with the added cost of shipping. And, if they can't compete aren't they doomed to either dependence on our agricultural production or starvation?

1 comment:

  1. It's okay for them to depend on our food as long as we depend on their oil. :P
